Kroger Taps Tracking Tech To Limit In-Store Traffic


By Chuck Martin

The pandemic is causing changes in numerous industries and at least retailers are tapping some customer-facing technology to help them out.

Walmart recently enabled shoppers to use the Walmart Pay app at self-checkout, so a consumer doesn’t even have to touch the screen or interact with associates at pickup stations.

Publix also rolled out contactless payments to all its stores, including GreenWise Market.

Walmart, Staples and other retailers are limiting the number of shoppers in a store at one time, often by physically counting people as they go in and come out.

Another grocery chain is taking steps to limit traffic but it’s tapping tech to do the counting.

Kroger is using QueVision technology, involving a combination of sensors and artificial intelligence.

“By leveraging QueVision, our technology system that uses infrared sensors and predictive analytics, we will be able to more efficiently support our new capacity limits, creating a safer environment for our customers and associates,” states Yael Cosset, Kroger’s chief technology and digital officer.

Kroger already was using the technology to count the customers entering and exiting stores.

COVID-19 is also driving consumers to increase shopping app activity, with Walmart Grocery recently hitting an all-time high in downloads.

When the pandemic ultimately fades, expect the technologies currently be adopted, both by consumers and businesses, to remain in place.